This is the second preparatory step as promised - a copy of another article. I do not have the slightest intention to take sides, to deride or ridicule anyone - all views should be treated with respect.The reader can find the original on the relevant website as indicated.
A Pagean calendar
by H. Ratcliffe
A single all powerful deity is central to most religions. El to the Phoenicians, Attis to the Phrygians, Zeus to the Greeks, and Jesus to Christians all need to be appeased by their followers. Some gods require a lot of their followers and never seemed to be satisfied, and Jesus said just love me and your neighbor in exchange for eternal life free of hunger and disease.
Shaman view themselves as privileged human beings endowed with the ability to control the forces of nature, and subdue divine or demoniac spirits which reside in all humans, animals and inanimate matter. Thus, everything has a soul from trees, to lakes, to animals to humans, and sickness is merely a matter of healing the soul with the help of benevolent spirits or casting out evil ones. Novice Shaman often enlist the help of intoxicants like peyote or mescaline to reach ecstatic states required to enter the spirit world, but masters need only establish a rhythmic beat on a ritual drum and begin ritual chanting to become one with the spirits of nature. Without Shaman, water spirits such as Vu-murt may send whirlpools to drown a victim, or Va-kul may appear as a long haired woman to haunt a large lake. Rain, drought, sickness, and health are all the domain of Shaman. Out of body travel into underworlds or otherworlds are possible using Cabbalistic magic talisman, and quartz crystals, and any sort of punishment in the afterlife is not part of the Shaman world. I’m not a Shaman; I’m only going to try and explain where the practice started.
There’s more than casual correlation between Wicca beliefs in re-birth, the Hopi Indian rain-man dance, Buddhism’s belief in reincarnation, Hindu tantric sex, and chakra activation, acupuncture points, talisman symbols and potions used in Voodoo, and even Gaea Earth worship. I know a lot of people think humans have been on the earth for 100,000 years and their ancestors may have been monkeys, but let’s for grins go back to Mesopotamia 4500 years ago. Noah and his 3 sons get off the boat: Japeth goes north engendering Germanic people, Turks, Russians and Ashkenazi Jews. Generally a lot of white people. Shem stays in the Fertile Crescent engendering Semitic Tribes: Hebrews, Arabs, Ethiopians, and Phoenicians. Ham goes south to Babylon and one of his sons, Mizraim settles in Egypt. Mizrahi Jews refer to non Spanish Jews scattered throughout Asia, and the east. The Egyptian religion was based on re-incarnation, and influenced similar beliefs throughout northern India, Tibet, China, Mongolia, and Siberia. Some of the most adept Shaman were Voguls, Ostyaks and Magyars from western Siberia; Zyrians, Votyaks and Permyaks of Russia; Cheremis and Mordvins of the Volga River, and the Finns, Karelians, Esthonians, Livonians and Laplanders of Scandinavia. The whole group is referred to as Finno-Ugrian, and has influenced Islamic practice in Iran, the Lutheran Church, the Russian Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church which was influenced by Magyar thought.
I’m not judging Shamanist belief, just asking, is it dangerous?
Ashkenazi Jews originated Esoteric Freemasonry (Scottish Rite and York Rite), and instigated the American, French and Russian Revolutions. The obvious problems with the Protestant denominations can largely be traced to them. The US even established the Anti-Masonic “Whig” Party to eradicate them. Sephardic Jews of Iberia sailed to the Americas and killed native populations of Inca, Maya, Olmec, and American Indians. They became Jesuits in order to control the Catholic Church, invented AIDS at the CDC, and were generally expelled from every country that accepted Jesuit missionaries. I’m not judging Shamanist beliefs, as they are passive by comparison, but Norwegian Kings during the Middle Ages described Finns as masters in the occult sciences who left national pride aside and proclaimed their superiority. They had to forbid people to give credence to Finnish beliefs, and prohibited voyages to Finmark in order to consult magicians, and Swedish authorities searched out Laplander’s Magic Drums (quodbas) to prevent sacred exorcisms. So what’s the danger? “…the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” Rev 21:8
You may not believe the bible is the infallible Word of God, and that won’t matter. We all get a resurrected body and an interview with the Creator of the Universe because it’s His soul and you are only borrowing it. If the interview occurs at the start of the Millennial Kingdom you pass. If it occurs at the end, you fail. You can use your god given spirit to communicate with God, or you can use it to talk the water witch out of creating a whirlpool, or the rain god into bringing rain. Maurice Strong is a Canadian billionaire and in charge of the Rio Earth Summit. His wife Hann is a Shaman Priestess who held a 3 week fire, chanting and rhythmic drumbeat vigil to protect the environment, so nothing has changed. Chaldean soothsayers, Greek Oracles, Astrologers and Shaman are all violating Old Testament commandments, and New Testament warnings, and Satanists know this because they are people who say they are Jews but are not. The ones Jesus said to watch out for and the ones who crucified Him. Their objective is to make people violate enough of God’s rules to make them fail judgment.
All religions on the planet began with worship of the Sun, so maybe Shamanism’s main epic called the Kalevala will tell of the origins. Compiled from folklore in 1828 by a Finnish scholar named Lonnrot, the epic contains 22,800 verses. I begins with a virgin birth, resurrection, calming tempests, ritual bathing (baptism) and locking up the Sun and moon in a cave. Here is the beginning “…and he passed 30 summers and as many winters (Jesus was 30 when He began His ministry) in his mother’s womb…meditated on how to live…he cried out: Break my bonds, O Moon! Sun, deliver me! And thou, radiant Great Bear, teach the hero how to pass through these unknown gates.” This is making the wrong choice of the Sun rather than the Son. The Moon is the goddess who sets him free, and the Sun delivers him. The Great Bear is Ursa Major or “Big Dipper” which circles Lapland with Arcturas “King Arthur”. Isn’t it odd that Shamanism denies a Creator, and yet uses this poem about the bear guarding the King. To the Mizrahi Jews who created Shamanism, this is the Prieure of Zion guarding Antichrist until Satan comes from Heaven to incarnate him. That’s the real danger with Shamanism, and the reason why the bible condemns it.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
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