Peace in the world is the final goal of evolution
Perhaps the most significant outcome of this global spiritual awakening will be the advent of world peace and the cessation of conflicts on every level. This is a lofty goal, but one that will be the ultimate mark of the success of this evolution.
Through the ages those seeking peace have attempted to achieve it by various means such as negotiations, alliances, and even war itself. History informs us that none of these strategies have been successful. Many religions have abandoned the quest for peace even developing a theology of inevitable endless conflict in this material and sinful world.
To grow a new crop, a new seed is required. Those who are in the vanguard of this awakening recognize the truth of this pronouncement, and are seeking to create peace by a deeper more powerful means. Peace, both inner and outer, is based upon individual and collective spirituality. Science has demonstrated that the more subtle and refined the level, the more powerful. Thus it is that the atomic level is more powerful than that of molecular structures. The subatomic it more powerful still. The mind, the progenitor of action, is more powerful than the level of physical action. The spiritual is more powerful than either the mind or the action since both are a result of the spiritual condition of the individual or collective thought and action.
This awakening will produce peace by uplifting the spiritual condition of the world, or, said another way, by raising the consciousness of the world.
This will be accomplished in several ways. The first and most obvious way is by raising the level of consciousness and spirituality of all of us who are currently bringing this awakening to fruition. The second way is by these individuals and groups creating institutions that will focus on creating world peace based on spiritual principles. These groups may focus on all aspects of social life and its institutions. A third way is by the influence that we as individual, groups, and institutions produce on others so that the number directly involved grows, enhancing the effect of peace. This is the inevitable outcome of those who engage in conscious evolution.
But this awakening has produced a most unexpected fourth way. Several known scientific principles are involved. The first principle involves the physical law that waves can propagate over large distances (e.g. electromagnetic waves that produce TV images). Second that when such waves are produced they cause sympathetic vibrations that harmonize with the original waves. The resulting wave system is larger still. Third, if the waves are extremely coherent they will be impervious to external disturbances. They will retain their coherence even when bombarded by chaotic influences. Fourth, research has shown that powerful spiritual practices such as meditation and related technologies of consciousness when performed by groups of sufficient size yet still relatively small, can produce coherent waves that will calm surrounding areas enough to reduce such chaotic events as war, crimes, illness, accidents, and many other incoherent, inharmonious social dysfunctions.
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