Over the past few decades, the idea that our universe could be one of many alternate universes within a giant multiverse has grown from a sci-fi fantasy into a legitimate theoretical possibility. Several theories of physics and astronomy have hypothesized the existence of a multiverse made of many parallel universes. One obvious question that arises, then, is exactly how many of these parallel universes might there be.
Theoretical physics has brought us the notion that our single universe is not necessarily the only game in town. Satellite data from WMAP, along with string theory and its 11- dimensional hyperspace idea has produced the concept of the multiverse, where the Big Bang could have produced many different universes instead of a single uniform universe. The idea has gained popularity recently, so it was only a matter of time until someone asked the question of how many multiverses could possibly exist. The number, according to twophysicists, could be "humongous." Using all of this Stanford physicists Andrei Linde and Vitaly Vanchurin have calculated the number of all possible universes, coming up with an answer of 10^10^16. If that number sounds large, the scientists explain that it would have been even more humongous, except that we observers are limited in our ability to distinguish more universes; otherwise, there could be as many as 10^10^10^7 universes.
A Whole Other World
By Charles Mudede
Yes, I place some belief in the multiverse theory. As there are soapy bubbles in a kitchen sink, there very well may be billions of bubbling universes in a hyperspace. So, you can imagine my confusion when I read this report a moment ago:
"A group of rich Germans has launched a petition calling for the government to make wealthy people pay higher taxes.
The group say they have more money than they need, and the extra revenue could fund economic and social programs to aid Germany's economic recovery.
Germany could raise 100bn euros (£91bn) if the richest people paid a 5% wealth tax for two years, they say.
The petition has 44 signatories so far, and will be presented to newly re-elected Chancellor Angela Merkel.
A moment ago, for a split second, I thought I woke up not in the universe whose hard laws made me and all that's around me but in another one, a universe with a completely different state of affairs, laws, and developments. What kind of world is this? How did I get here? A world that has rich people begging to be taxed?
How about the hot water re-discovery?
"Even if all clever men on the Earth sit down and keep writing for 1,000 years, using all the land masses as paper and all the water of the oceans and seas as ink, they would still discover but a small fraction of knowledge inthe Universe".
All that has existed, exists and will exist comes from God's Consciousness called by modern science Zero Point Energy or Physical vacuum. Quantumphysicists also know that no more than 2% of its energy has been used to create all existing stellar systems, suns and planets until now!
"All the world renders homage to me and I render homage to the Teacher P. Deunov from Bulgaria" - wrote A. Einstein in the last century.
The Teacher Petar Dunov (Beinsa Duno) has explained and taught in simple words and exercises that ALL THE WORLDS have come and shall come from God's Consciousness - the Source of Love and Ultimate power, i.e. physical vacuum.
The ancient science of Kabbalah (www.kabbalah.info) has also revealed the existence of 125 parallel worlds - 5 Higher worlds with 25 levels each.
The Russian scientist Vadim Zeland wrote a long time ago that there can be no limitation of the number of parallel universes or worlds originating from the Source and all of them can be materialized. All religions have made one and the same mistake - claims V. Zeland - assuming the existence of only one single physical world.
Another Russian initiate has mastered the art of passing from one to another "virtual plane" or parallel universe and is offering online assistance to volunteers!
A Bulgarian scientist - Mr. V. Dimitrov has published mind-boggling details on parallel universes or worlds, even methods to choose the best one from a personal point of view...
Probably, the number of similar publications will grow, if one tries to dig deeper. All of these claims may sound absurd, even crazy to the general public, but are true and it is no accident that quantum physicists are among the "craziest".
One more point to make. While some are counting the number of parallel universes and the potential of the human brain to comprehend them, others have adopted a more pragmatic approach. One example: D. Wagner, founder of ATTI-a company manufacturing 21 Century tachyon products and devices based on technology related to physical vacuum.
Read all here--->
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